Careerwill is exam preparation platform for UPSC, SSC, Banking exam, Railway exam students. Most of the government and state exams are available in this.
Many students accross the country is using this education platform to get interactive sessions and help with their studies. This interactive platform is also available for offline study at Panchwati, Delhi. There is wide range of courses available in their library with experienced teachers for every subjects.
The realtime classes and interaction between teacher and the students help in clearing doubts and get feedback throughout the entire class. It provides a simple interface and easy access to the courses you are searching for.
The Careerwill App available in Appstore and Playstore needs to installed inorder to create an Careerwill account. Then only you can use the Careerwill website by entering the credentials login. You can use your e-mail id or mobile number and unique password to create the account and access Careerwill on your desktop PC or laptop.
Careerwill Study Materials and Interaction with Students
The PDF format which is available in English and Hindi languages can also be downloaded from Lessons Section on Careerwill website or Careerwill App. The Careerwill Testbook helps students to prepare exams through different study techniques including mock tests, quizzes, and answering exam sample papers.
The detailed explanation to the solution gives students to get much more insight towards each topic. The score they earn towards these mock exams will let them know their knowledge towards a subject and analyze their level on each exams and improve accordingly.
There will be 5 or 6 classes in a week. If you are accessing the Careerwill through their mobile application, you can easily download the class sessions and watch offline. This feature is not available if you are engaging through their website.
The Careerwill courses can be accessed from their app or from their website. You can simply register with Careerwill with your email id/phone number. The “MY COURSES” tab will help you to choose the desired course and start with your study.
You can use debit card, Paytm, Net Banking, Mobikwik or choose EMI option to continue the purchase of course available. The EMI plans are available for 3, 6, and 12 months for UPSC courses. All your purchased courses can be seen at Purchased Batch section on My Courses option. All the courses are having only validity until the exam completion.
Careerwill gives its students to enjoy free courses through refer option where you can get a free course, if your friend register with Career will app and purchase a course through the referral code you share with your friend.
If you made the payment for a course and if you want to change the course or cancel the subscription, you need to contact the Careerwill customer care team within 7 days inorder to get help with the issue and refund. For much more support you can call 7082189797 to connect with Careerwill helpline.