Discover new Stories from the Library on Wattpad

Wattpad is online platform to find stories of any genres. It provides a single platform to find useful articles for its readers. You can create a account on Wattpad if you become 13 years old. The users of Wattpad is called Wattpadders. The Readers can interact with the authors in a simple way through Wattpad. The stories from Wattpad cna be filtered using title, username, tags, and keywords to find best match of your choice. Read more…

Careerwill Government and State Exam Preparation Platform

Careerwill is exam preparation platform for UPSC, SSC, Banking exam, Railway exam students. Most of the government and state exams are available in this. Many students accross the country is using this education platform to get interactive sessions and help with their studies. This interactive platform is also available for offline study at Panchwati, Delhi. There is wide range of courses available in their library with experienced teachers for every subjects. The realtime classes and Read more…

Avail Special Promotions and Features via Airtel Thanks App

Data Over and needs a better option to buy data at a low cost? If your mobile data is over and when you look for a data package, the rates are much higher compared to plan recharge. Maybe we only need a little data to do something. When the data is over, it is also very hard to use the network even for making a data recharge. The problem of data recharge is that it Read more…